What do you do if you discover that your partner has cheated on you?  Before you do anything, you have to figure out the extent of the infidelity.  Not all cheating is created equal (not that it is any less painful).

Was the affair sexual or emotional? Was it a one-night stand or a long-term affair that resulted in lots of lying? Did he go ballistic at you for snooping or beg for forgiveness?  His reaction will determine how you should proceed. If it was a sexual affair—even a one-night stand—you should immediately go to your doctor and get tested for STD’s and AIDS.Your partner’s actions have put you at risk!

If reconciliation is possible, you should make an appointment with a couples counselor to help you determine the reason for the infidelity.  Whether the affair was emotional or sexual, it was still an affair—but not the reason to rush to get a divorce. It is a symptom of a problem in your marriage that hopefully you can work out—that is if you want to.

There will be hurt feelings that might not be so easy to fix—but if you love each other enough and want to save your marriage—it will be possible to get past them and move forward and have a stronger marriage.

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