Something happens that you never expected—sometimes life throws you a curve ball. You think that you are happily married and your sex life is great, and then you find out your spouse is having an affair—or he (or she) asks you for a divorce because he’s in love with someone else.  You feel like you’ve been kicked in the stomach! What do you do?

The first thing you have to do is quickly learn about the divorce process and how to protect yourself.  Finding the right book is the best way.  The most informative book you can buy is “The Divorce Survival Guide for Women” @ Remember knowledge is power.

Next you need to find an experienced divorce attorney.  You need someone who is experienced to help you to avoid mistakes that could cost you dearly later in your divorce proceedings. You need to find one that is knowledgeable and right for you. Interview at least three attorneys. “The Divorce Survival Guide for Women” will give you all the information you need to move forward and be prepared.

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