“We have become slaves to our smartphones, distracted by every little ping while we fail to live in the now. It’s changing our brains, ruining our lives and turning us into an iZombie.”  Kyle Smith

If you can’t get any work done because you can’t stop checking your Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr,  texts, emailsor you can’t walk down the street without checking your smartphoneor if you can’t stand in line to pay for something without checking your smartphoneor if you can’t even eat a meal with a friend without checking your smartphonethen you definitely have a problem.

Having too much information can be as bad as having too little. The stress of constant connection will have it’s consequences. The increased stress of always being on is being linked to adverse health effects—and is causing a  drop off of creativity.

In the real world 94% of our communication is non-verbal. We’ve forgotten how to pick up our phone and talk to someone. How sad, actually.

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