Grey divorce is a growing trend.  Seniors are now realizing that here is no reason to stay in a long, bad marriage.  People live longer today, and the reality is that you might as well enjoy every minute of the time you have!  This gives more seniors reasons to get a divorce even after 30 or 50 years of marriage. There is no reason to spend the rest of your life in an unhappy marriage.
Older men seldom ask for a divorce unless they have a potential replacement.  On the other hand, women who want a divorce late in life usually want the freedom from an unhappy marriage.

The divorce rate among people 50 and up doubled between 1990 and 2010, at a time when the rate for the general population was flat.  According to a study by the National Center for Family Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University of Ohio, as an age group, they accounted for about 25 percent of all 2010 divorces.

This willingness to end an unhappy marriage suggests that older couples today have more financial resources to fall back on. People usually won’t take a big step like divorce unless they know that they will be okay financially. Women are also more apt to have a paycheck and 401(K)s.

How the property is divided depends on state laws and your personal negotiations. It is better to settle with your spouse, even if it’s for less money than you want, than let a judge decide in court. Judge’s usually give you much less than you really are entitled to.

You can also get spousal Social Security benefits if the marriage lasted at least ten years. It’s not a lot of money, but every bit helps.

Life will definitely be different financially after a divorce, and women usually end up with much less.

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