Reasons to Meditate

People all over the world, for thousands of years, have been meditating. It is not necessary to pay anyone to learn to meditate. Even though they tell you their meditation is different, it’s not. Meditation is meditation. It’s just a way for them to charge for their “course.” There is really nothing difficult to learn […]

Social Media and Your Relationship

In a Pew Research Center survey 46% of millennials said their social media accounts had a major impact on their relationships. You should always make your partner feel more important to you than your phone. You should always shut your phone off when you are spending special time with your partner—like when you are having […]

Facebook and your Marriage

Instead of communicating face to face, couples are sharing their feelings and marriage on Facebook. This could doom a relationship. Too much emphasis on social media can indicate that a couple is less concerned with how they feel and more concerned how their relationship looks to outsiders. There is a growing trend, and not a […]

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Do Exist!

A recent report from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention found a recent spike in STIs such as chlamydia (up nearly 6 % since 2014), gonorrhea (up nearly 13%) and syphilis (up 19%) amount young people. The CDC says that almost 20 million new STIs occur every year, over half of them afflicting young […]

Cheaters Beware!

In today’s world with all the new technology, you don’t need to to hire a private detective—you can be your own detective. There are new devices out for spying, so doing your own spying has just gotten that much easier. DIY sleuthing has gotten so common that, a mail order firm out of Dallas, […]

Extortion for Cheaters

About 37 million potential adulterers who were exposed when the Ashley Madison cheating website was hacked in August now have to contend with email threats. Not to mention their angry spouses who may have found out! Ashley Madison is infamous for providing unfaithful spouses a platform for illicit trysts. Can you imagine opening up your […]

Still Single?

If you are a woman and still single and wondering why—here are some possible reasons: If you are living in New York City, the odds of meeting an eligible man are not in your favor. In Manhattan there are 38 percent more young female college grads than male. And nine to twelve percent are gay […]

Have You Been Ghosted?

Ghost is a word that refers to ending a relationship (or romantic relationship) by cutting off all contact and ignoring the former “friend’s” attempts to reach you. When someone has stopped responding to your calls or text messages, they are “ghosting” you. The advent of technology seems to have made this worse. It can be […]