Browse My Blog for Divorce Advice for Women & More!

Below you will find blog posts touching on divorce advice, divorce news, and information on how to prepare for divorce, as well as many more topics. Click on the titles to read the entire post—and don't forget to share any posts that you enjoy with your friends! Want more? Check out my Preview the Book page, where you can access free the first 15 pages of The Divorce Survival Guide for Women—the ultimate guide to divorce advice for women available!

Getting Married

Because people are getting married later in life, it’s more common than ever that you’ll be starting out the marriage with significant assets that need to be protected. No one should get married without a Prenup! It might seem unromantic, but setting legal intentions before marriage can be very important later if the marriage fails. […]

Social Security—Divorced Spouse Benefits

If you’re currently unmarried, but a previous marriage lasted at least 10 years, you could qualify for spousal benefits based on your ex’s work record. The amount can be up to 50% of the worker’s benefit at his or her full retirement age. If you remarry, however, the divorced spouse benefit stops. You must be […]

The Benefits Of Owning A Dog

People who own dogs live longer! They’re healthier. They’re calmer. Their children are less prone to allergies. Dogs aren’t big on social distancing. They lick and sniff everything and one another. Conversation, friendships and even romance between owners can often be the result. A dog’s love is unconditional. Once you have a dog, you can’t […]

Reasons to Meditate

People all over the world, for thousands of years, have been meditating. It is not necessary to pay anyone to learn to meditate. Even though they tell you their meditation is different, it’s not. Meditation is meditation. It’s just a way for them to charge for their “course.” There is really nothing difficult to learn […]

Infidelity and Cheaters

Do men really cheat on their spouses more than women do—or do they just get caught more often?  Men have always been the ones who are tagged as the “cheaters”—but today the genders are almost equally unfaithful—23% for men and 19% for women according to a professor of family relations at a University in Ontario. The […]

What Is Ghosting?

Ghosting is when someone cuts off all communication without explanation. It can just be a friend not responding to your texts or phone calls; or even worse a lover who is ending a relationship by cutting off all contact and ignoring your attempts to reach them. When someone has stopped responding to your calls or […]

Your Data Security

SEVEN STEPS TO MORE DATA SECURITY: 1.  Freeze Credit Reports  …Probably the most important thing you should do! You can do this free with all three major credit reporting bureaus. This makes it tough for criminals to get your social security number and get a credit card, mortgage, buy a car, etc. in your name. […]

Social Media and Your Relationship

In a Pew Research Center survey 46% of millennials said their social media accounts had a major impact on their relationships. You should always make your partner feel more important to you than your phone. You should always shut your phone off when you are spending special time with your partner—like when you are having […]