Because people are getting married later in life, it’s more common than ever that you’ll be starting out the marriage with significant assets that need to be protected. No one should get married without a Prenup! It might seem unromantic, but setting legal intentions before marriage can be very important later if the marriage fails. […]
People who own dogs live longer! They’re healthier. They’re calmer. Their children are less prone to allergies. Dogs aren’t big on social distancing. They lick and sniff everything and one another. Conversation, friendships and even romance between owners can often be the result. A dog’s love is unconditional. Once you have a dog, you can’t […]
Ghosting is when someone cuts off all communication without explanation. It can just be a friend not responding to your texts or phone calls; or even worse a lover who is ending a relationship by cutting off all contact and ignoring your attempts to reach them. When someone has stopped responding to your calls or […]
Money is consistently the most common reason for conflict in a relationship. Couples with financial problems and debt have higher levels of stress and are less happy in their relationship than those who don’t. You must be honest about your spending. It’s surprising how common it is for two people in a relationship to lie […]