Divorce In North Carolina
North Carolina is a mixed state regarding the grounds for divorce. You can file for divorce in North Carolina using no-fault or fault grounds. The no-fault grounds for divorce are on the application of either party, when husband and wife have, without interruption for one year, lived separate and apart. Fault grounds for North Carolina divorce include:
- Abandons his or her family;
- Maliciously turns the other out-of-doors;
- By cruel or barbarous treatment endangers the life of the other;
- Offers such indignities to the person of the other as to render his or her condition intolerable and life burdensome;
- Becomes an excessive user of alcohol or drugs so as to render the condition of the other spouse intolerable and the life of that spouse burdensome;
- Commits adultery.
Residency requirements for filing a divorce in North Carolina are that one of the parties must have resided in the state for six months or 180 days.
Custody of children in North Carolina divorces is determined by the best interest of the child standard. The court assumes that it is in the best interest of the child to maintain contact with both parents. Custody is usually given to the primary caregiver in cases involving young children; however, it is no longer true that the wife always gets custody of the children when they are older. The Court may also require mediation where there are disputes as to custody to lessen the impact of the divorce on the children.
North Carolina like every state in the union requires that both parents provide financial support for the child. The court attempts to maintain the standard of living the child enjoyed during the marriage. This is based on the notion that the child is the innocent party during a divorce and should not suffer because the parents can no longer maintain their relationship. The amount is determined by a formula that calculates the earning potential of each spouse.
North Carolina is an equitable division state in determining the division of the marital estate. At the time an action is filed the parties to be divorced are enjoined from disposing of any property without court consent until property division is decided. All property obtained during the marriage regardless of how it is titled is considered part of the marital estate. The judge divides the property in a way that is considered fair but not necessarily equal.