The Benefits Of Owning A Dog

People who own dogs live longer! They’re healthier. They’re calmer. Their children are less prone to allergies. Dogs aren’t big on social distancing. They lick and sniff everything and one another. Conversation, friendships and even romance between owners can often be the result. A dog’s love is unconditional. Once you have a dog, you can’t […]

Reasons to Meditate

People all over the world, for thousands of years, have been meditating. It is not necessary to pay anyone to learn to meditate. Even though they tell you their meditation is different, it’s not. Meditation is meditation. It’s just a way for them to charge for their “course.” There is really nothing difficult to learn […]

Your Data Security

SEVEN STEPS TO MORE DATA SECURITY: 1.  Freeze Credit Reports  …Probably the most important thing you should do! You can do this free with all three major credit reporting bureaus. This makes it tough for criminals to get your social security number and get a credit card, mortgage, buy a car, etc. in your name. […]

Benefits Of Having A Dog

It is a fact that single people who own a dog live longer lives with less chance of heart disease. Dogs make us live longer, healthier lives. And dogs give you unconditional love with no strings attached. In the largest-ever study on dog owning, researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden examined the health records of […]

Your Divorce and the Judge

If your divorce can’t be settled amicably, and you end up in front of a judge, REMEMBER that divorce judges hate the process (and you) and rarely, if ever, read your papers! It is important that you keep reminding them of the facts every time you submit papers and go in front of them! They […]

How to Meditate

People all over the world, for thousands of years, have been meditating. It is not necessary to pay the David Lynch Foundation who promotes TM meditation $1,000 to learn to meditate. Even though they tell you their meditation is different, it’s not. Meditation is meditation. It’s just a way for them to charge $1,000 for […]

Were You a Victim of Stealthing?

Women are dealing with a dangerous new kind of betrayal. Stealthing is a sexual act in which a man removes his condom (or never puts one on) during consensual sex without the consent or knowledge of his partner. It’s disgusting! It is being considered a form of sexual violence and is a rising epidemic in […]

Facebook and your Marriage

Instead of communicating face to face, couples are sharing their feelings and marriage on Facebook. This could doom a relationship. Too much emphasis on social media can indicate that a couple is less concerned with how they feel and more concerned how their relationship looks to outsiders. There is a growing trend, and not a […]