Smartphone Addiction

“We have become slaves to our smartphones, distracted by every little ping while we fail to live in the now. It’s changing our brains, ruining our lives and turning us into an iZombie.”  —Kyle Smith If you can’t get any work done because you can’t stop checking your Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr,  texts, emails—or you can’t […]

Divorce Mistakes

On April 9, 2012, in Blog, Divorce Advice, Divorce Information, Prepare for Divorce, by Leslye

Women are particularly vulnerable during a divorce. Here are some things that women should avoid doing during a divorce: 1. Using Facebook or any social media sites:  Close your accounts until your divorce is finalized. Anything you say on them can be used against you! 2. Using Twitter: Do not tweet during your divorce. Anything you […]