The health benefits of sleep are numerous. A good night’s rest does more than boost your energy levels…

1. Sleep improves memory. The deepest state of sleep (also called the REM or Rapid Eye Movement sleep stage—when you dream) has been proven to be the most mind rejuvenating.

2. Sleep helps you live longer. It is believed that chronic sleep deprivation can shorten one’s life span by a third. When you have enough sleep, you function better, your immune system is stronger, you are happier, and you feel more positive about yourself and your life.

3. Sleep boosts productivity. You will work better and more efficiently, think faster and clearer, and get things done more quickly because you are not tired and you have more energy.

4. Sleep increases concentration. If you are sleepy, your attention span is short and you may have trouble thinking.

5. Sleep keeps you trim. Ghrelin, a hormone produced in the hypothalamus of the brain, is responsible for appetite. When you are sleep-deprived ghrelin production increases and you wake up feeling tired and hungry.

6. Sleep lowers depression. The production of serotonin, your body’s happy hormone, is linked to the quality and amount of sleep.

7. Sleep reduces stress. Sleep relieves tension and gives you the energy to do the things you want and love to do.

8. Sleep lowers the risk of hypertension, stroke and heart attack.




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