If you or someone you know is raped, these are the steps you should immediately take:

1. File a police report. You should immediately file a police report after the crime has been committed, even though there is no time limit to do so.  This will ensure that the facts are accurate and there is a record of them while they are still fresh in your mind.

2. Seek medical help. A medical examination must be done within 24 hours so a gynecologist can document any trauma or evidence of physical rape. Blood and vaginal culture tests are also done to detect sexually transmitted diseases and semen. All hospitals have a gynecologist trained to attend to rape cases.

3. Speak with a professional.  Rape and assault victims find it important to speak with a professional counselor. These sessions help a victim to grieve and learn coping skills to rebuild their life.

Remember—rape is a crime! Rape occurs any time a person forces a sexual act on another person against his or her will. And an enhanced sentence will be given if it is found that the man took advantage of the woman by intoxicating her or by giving her drugs.


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