Being Single

“Singles” don’t count in today’s society.  Being single in a married world is not easy.  Policies favor couples, but single people tend to offer more to society.  Social scientists and researchers say the plight of the American single person is cause for growing concern. According to the Census Bureau, about 100 million Americans, nearly half of […]

Same-Sex Marriage

Now that same-sex marriage has gotten over a major hurdle and passed in New York State in 2011, the biggest hurdle will be getting it to become a “law of the land.” On the surface it seems that gay couples will be on even footing with heterosexual married couples—but that is not the case. Same-sex married […]

Saving Your Marriage

On October 25, 2010, in Blog, Divorce, Divorce Advice, Marriage, Prepare for Divorce, by leslye

According to a recent study by the University of Michigan, married couples who deal with their problems by calmly working them out together are less likely to get divorced than those who keep their troubles bottled up, scream at each other or walk away. Of course, you have to want to save your marriage.  Some […]

The Reasons For Divorce Are Diverse

There are no hard and fast statistics on the reasons people get divorced. This is because divorce statistics are reported by county, and the various jurisdictions list them differently. The reasons for divorce are as diverse as the people who get married. The ten most frequent reasons for divorce are: Infidelity – many people argue […]

Divorce Rate

On August 24, 2010, in Blog, Divorce, Divorce Advice, Divorce Information, Prepare for Divorce, by leslye

Baby boomers were responsible for the highest divorce rate in history—22.8 per 1,000 married couples in 1979 compared to 3.5 per 1,000 in 2008. Nearly a third of divorces, according to the most recent census, are among people who have been married 20 to 40 years.  They have been called the greatest divorcing generation in […]

Investing Separately

On March 8, 2010, in Blog, Divorce Advice, Divorce/Financial, Marriage, Prepare for Divorce, by leslye

Some married couples have decided to draw a red line through their financial houses.  They are splitting their portfolios, opening separate accounts and investing separately. Often these spouses just want to pursue different goals—one may have a more conservative style of investing and the other may have a more aggressive approach. Since the crash, the number of couples […]


On March 6, 2010, in Blog, Divorce Advice, Lawyers & Legal Matters, Prepare for Divorce, by leslye

Pre-prenups also known as cohabition agreements or cohabs are the latest thing.  It’s a dating prenup which has contractual guidelines for relationships and relation-splits.  People want to protect themselves, their property and their pets in case of a  break-up.  They are particularly common in New York where common-law marriages aren’t recognized and unmarried couples are […]

Still Single?

If you are a woman and still single and wondering why—here are some possible reasons: If you are living in New York City, the odds of meeting an eligible man are not in your favor. In Manhattan there are 38 percent more young female college grads than male. And nine to twelve percent are gay […]