Abusive Husband/Divorce

Divorce is a traumatic experience, but no one should stay in an abusive relationship! Of course that’s easy to say—and more difficult to leave an abusive husband. Usually in an abusive relationship/marriage the husband is very controlling, and it is difficult for a woman to make the break. Typically, these women know very little about […]

Abusive Husband

On March 22, 2010, in Blog, Divorce Advice, Divorce War Stories, Prepare for Divorce, by leslye

Some husbands are physically and emotionally abusive.  Usually if he is physically abusive, he will be emotionally abusive also—because he is a bully.  There is never an excuse for this! Sometimes a husband can just be emotionally abusive.  He will enjoy demeaning you and putting you down, very often in front of your friends or […]

Abusive Husband

Too often, society blames victims of domestic violence for not leaving, rather than holding the abusers responsible. The reality is that financial dependency, concern for the children and the fear of being pursued or even killed can make the idea of escape seem impossible. No one deserves to be abused. Everyone should have someone to […]