Abusive Husband/Divorce

Divorce is a traumatic experience, but no one should stay in an abusive relationship! Of course that’s easy to say—and more difficult to leave an abusive husband. Usually in an abusive relationship/marriage the husband is very controlling, and it is difficult for a woman to make the break. Typically, these women know very little about […]


On May 2, 2012, in Blog, Divorce Advice, Divorce Information, Prepare for Divorce, by Leslye

Jealousy comes in different forms, and there are various degrees of jealousy.  Just like aggression and paranoia, jealousy can take on various degrees of severity. Some people let their jealousy become all-consuming and create a permanent wedge between themselves and their partner. It can destroy a relationship. Usually jealousy is caused by one’s own issues with self-confidence and […]