Single Women Are Healthier And Happier

Recent studies by the University of Padova and the National Research Council’s Institute of Neuroscience in Italy, contradict the long-held view that a good marriage is good for your health—lowering the risk of heart attacks and depression and increasing the chances of surviving cancer. Among older women, those who are single (divorced or widowed) experience […]

Grey Divorce

Grey divorce is a growing trend.  Seniors are now realizing that here is no reason to stay in a long, bad marriage.  People live longer today, and the reality is that you might as well enjoy every minute of the time you have!  This gives more seniors reasons to get a divorce even after 30 or 50 […]

Extortion for Cheaters

About 37 million potential adulterers who were exposed when the Ashley Madison cheating website was hacked in August now have to contend with email threats. Not to mention their angry spouses who may have found out! Ashley Madison is infamous for providing unfaithful spouses a platform for illicit trysts. Can you imagine opening up your […]

The Nanny

People are human—married  men and women can still become attracted to people outside of their marriage, especially when they spend a lot of time with them or are engaged in an intense common project with them. It doesn’t matter how strong your marriage, cheating is often a matter of opportunity. You’ve always heard that if […]

Break Up App

At the end of the year or the beginning of a new year people seem to think it’s a good time to “clean house” and break up with someone they’re in a relationship with but whom they’re not happy with or realize that the relationship is going nowhere. They want to start the new year […]

Divorce And Your Home

When a couple is getting a divorce they need to decide what to do with their home. This can be a major decision, especially when they share the mortgage. When there is equity in the home, each spouse wants to take a share as part of the divorce settlement agreement. But if one person wants […]

Still Single?

If you are a woman and still single and wondering why—here are some possible reasons: If you are living in New York City, the odds of meeting an eligible man are not in your favor. In Manhattan there are 38 percent more young female college grads than male. And nine to twelve percent are gay […]

Have You Been Ghosted?

Ghost is a word that refers to ending a relationship (or romantic relationship) by cutting off all contact and ignoring the former “friend’s” attempts to reach you. When someone has stopped responding to your calls or text messages, they are “ghosting” you. The advent of technology seems to have made this worse. It can be […]