Life After Divorce

You have just gotten divorced and half or more of your assets are gone…  Living alone after your divorce may be difficult—especially if you had a long marriage—financially and emotionally.  Most women can expect to spend at least a third of their adult lives on their own. Because of this, they must get savvy about saving […]

Life After Divorce

On November 30, 2010, in Blog, Divorce Advice, Divorce Information, Prepare for Divorce, by leslye

After a divorce, no matter how bitter and contentious it was—or how badly you got screwed—you must move on with your life!  Remember, “Living Well is the Best Revenge.” Alex Baldwin blasted Nora Ephron in HuffPost/Divorce — ”Dora,” who “simply cannot shut up about her anger, her betrayal … and her bottomless contempt for […]

There Is Life After Divorce

Is there life after divorce? The answer is a resounding YES, although it seems that it is harder for men to cope with life after divorce, especially if it was a long-term divorce than it is for women. The kind of life you have after divorce depends in large part on you, but there are […]

Grey Divorce

Grey divorce is a growing trend.  Seniors are now realizing that here is no reason to stay in a long, bad marriage.  People live longer today, and the reality is that you might as well enjoy every minute of the time you have!  This gives more seniors reasons to get a divorce even after 30 or 50 […]

Divorce and Heart Risks

Divorce may be linked to a higher heart risk for heart attack, especially for women. A study published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes on a nationally representative sample of adults ages 45 to 80, all of whom were married or had previously been married, showed that women face a higher risk of a heart […]

Divorce After Adoption

No one gets married with divorce in mind.  So when a couple decides to adopt children, divorce is definitely not in their plans.  But life happens and sometimes a marriage just isn’t working, and the only thing to do is to get a divorce. When adoptive parents decide to get a divorce, it is the […]

Midlife Divorces

There seems to be a growing number of older (boomers) divorces according to a paper by the National Center for Family and Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University. This means that newly single older Americans are suddenly facing difficult financial issues, including funding their retirement. The first thing they have to face is dividing […]

Surviving After Divorce

You’ve survived the divorce and now you’re concerned about how to make your settlement last. You know the amount of your divorce settlement—but what you don’t know is whether it will be enough to cover your day-to-day living expenses, support your family and have enough money for the rest of your life! You have to […]