Marriage and Longevity

On February 25, 2011, in Blog, Divorce Advice, Marriage, Prepare for Divorce, by leslye

Does marriage guarantee a long life?  This is not necessarily so.  Scientific studies show that it’s not married people who live longer—but married men.  The evidence shows little, if any, advantage for married women.

With men, the key risk is divorce, which can disrupt ties to family members and friends for years.  Steadily married men are likely to live to age 70 or older, but fewer than a third of divorced men reach old age.  Divorce not only directly harms men, but causes other unhealthy behaviors.

Steadily married women live somewhat longer than women who divorced and remarried.  BUT women who divorced and never remarried did just fine—they usually lived long lives.

One Response to Marriage and Longevity

  1. energia4 says:

    As long as you’re happy and harmonious with yourself what does it matter?
    What kills people is living for others. It’s toxic. Believe me, it is. Being yourself is detox.