Getting Married

Because people are getting married later in life, it’s more common than ever that you’ll be starting out the marriage with significant assets that need to be protected. No one should get married without a Prenup! It might seem unromantic, but setting legal intentions before marriage can be very important later if the marriage fails. […]

Reasons to Meditate

People all over the world, for thousands of years, have been meditating. It is not necessary to pay anyone to learn to meditate. Even though they tell you their meditation is different, it’s not. Meditation is meditation. It’s just a way for them to charge for their “course.” There is really nothing difficult to learn […]

Money and Your Relationship

Money is consistently the most common reason for conflict in a relationship. Couples with financial problems and debt have higher levels of stress and are less happy in their relationship than those who don’t. You must be honest about your spending. It’s surprising how common it is for two people in a relationship to lie […]

Prenuptial Agreement

No one should get married without a Prenuptial Agreement in place! It doesn’t matter how much or how little you have, you always have to protect yourself! You are making the biggest decision of your life to marry someone. And second and sometimes third marriages—and the extended families that sometimes come with them—require financial and […]

How to Meditate

People all over the world, for thousands of years, have been meditating. It is not necessary to pay the David Lynch Foundation who promotes TM meditation $1,000 to learn to meditate. Even though they tell you their meditation is different, it’s not. Meditation is meditation. It’s just a way for them to charge $1,000 for […]

Cheap-guy App

What happened to chivalry? A new app founded by Paypal and popular with millennials, isn’t just letting someone split cab fares or bills, it’s allowing your date to bill you for half of the check when he takes you to dinner! You may think you had a lovely evening, until you get a bill […]

Declining Divorce Rate

Even though you continue to read about the rising divorce rate, the divorce surge is over—it is no longer true that the divorce rate is rising, or that half of all marriages end in divorce. Actually, this has been true for some time. Marriages in the United States are stronger than they have ever been. […]

Financial Security or Marriage?

Though marriage was once a steppingstone to economic stability, young adults now see financial stability as a prerequisite for marriage. According to a recent Pew survey, more than a quarter of those who say they want to marry someday, say they haven’t because they are not financially secure. If you go back a generation or […]