Articles About Divorce Every Woman Should Read!

Welcome to's selection of important articles about divorce. The articles range in topics from general divorce information, divorce advice for women, divorce advice for men, legal matters and more. If you enjoy these articles about divorce, please make sure to share them on Facebook and Twitter with your friends! If you'd like to read more about divorce and especially divorce advice for women, check out the FREE preview of the eBook The Divorce Survival Guide for Women, the essential guide for women who want to learn how to prepare for divorce.

No-Fault Divorce—No-Fault, No-Guilt

No-fault divorce means what the name implies—that neither party to the divorce has to prove fault or guilt on the part of the other spouse in order to obtain the divorce. No-fault divorce is less acrimonious. The first state to enact no-fault divorce laws was California, the last state was New York. Earlier in history, […]

Child Support—An Important Issue In Divorce

Child support and its enforcement have become a major social issue in this country today because of the high divorce rate. The number of fathers who get custody of their children is increasing, but it is still true that the majority of custodial parents are women. Pay rates for women still lag behind those for […]

Senior Divorce Has Special Considerations

Divorce at any age can be financially and emotionally devastating. Divorce as a senior has special considerations because for most people they are at the end or near the end of their work life. Child support and custody are most likely not issues because the children are grown, retirement, pension, and alimony however become more […]

What Is Mediation?

Mediation is a legal process by which two opposing parties agree to take their dispute to an impartially-trained mediator in an attempt to resolve their disputes without the need for a drawn-out court process. In mediation, each side presents their position to the mediator. There are usually some joint sessions and sessions where each party […]

Divorce Statistics—Everything But The Kitchen Sink…

Statistics on divorce are as varied as there are reasons for getting divorced. One of the basic sources for divorce statistics is the United States Census Bureau. The Census Bureau does not keep yearly statistics; however, their statistics can give you a view for trends in 10-year cycles. For instance, in 1990 there were 2,443,500 […]

Types Of Divorce

A divorce is an arrangement to end a marriage. It has been around as an instrument for the final termination of a matrimonial arrangement since antiquity. Over the ages and across societies, various types of divorce have evolved. There are basically two types of divorce—At-Fault divorce and No-Fault divorce. Other divorce types have grown out […]

Divorce Advice For Women

In recent years the percentage of marriages that end in a divorce is around 50%. This means that a lot of women are going through the divorce process at any given time. This is usually a long and stressful ordeal for any woman to undertake. Here is some advice to help women get through the […]

Uncontested Divorce

Going through a divorce can be very painful for both the parties, especially if there are children involved. Nevertheless, at times it seems the only solution that works best for both sides. First, let us try to understand the meaning between the two types of divorces—Contested and Uncontested. Just like the name implies “Contested Divorce” […]