Personal Data and Hackers

Recently hundreds of millions of email addresses and other types of personal identification were found in the hands of Russian hackers. Here are some steps you can take to keep the impact of hackers to a minimum: 1. You should assume that your personal information is part of the stolen data. The wisest thing to […]

Summer Love

Summertime is ripe for romance—but can a fleeting fling last? According to Facebook, users change their status to “single” during the summer. The summer lends itself to lots of activities and more opportunities to meet people. Weekends can be filled with barbeques, cocktail parties and weddings. People’s enthusiasm to get out and do things in […]

Is Divorce Contagious?

Yes, divorce can be contagious. An April 2014 joint study from Brown University, Yale University and the University of California, San Diego, found that people are 75 percent more likely to be divorced if one of their friends is divorced. Copycat divorces usually occur because someone is unhappy in their marriage and wishes they were […]

Consequences of Grey Divorce

The divorce rate in the United States among people 50 or older has doubled since 1990, according to a study by the National Center for Family and Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. And as the American population steadily ages, grey divorces will keep rising. By 2030 it is estimated that 800,000 […]

Senior Love

Often after the death of a spouse or a divorce, seniors find themselves in love again. But is marriage necessary? For financial reasons, many older couples make the decision to live together, but not get married. A partner who remarries stands to lose social security or a survivor’s pension. She (or he) may also lose […]

A Baby or A Doggie

Have you ever wondered why playgrounds are so empty and dog runs are packed—a new report has the answer. More and more American women are foregoing motherhood and getting their maternal gratification by owning a small dog. The business news site Quartz reported that data from the Centers for Disease Control shows that a big […]

Falling In Love

When you fall in love, “liking” and “lusting” are two factors that are in play. Like and lust diminish over time, but at different rates. According to studies, liking declines at a rate of 3 percent a year, while lusting deteriorates faster at 8 percent a year. If you really like the person, more than […]

Cheaters and Infidelity

Do men really cheat on their spouses more than women do—or do they just get caught more often?  Men have always been the ones who are tagged as the “cheaters”—but today the genders are almost equally unfaithful—23% for men and 19% for women according to a professor of family relations at a University in Ontario. The […]