Changing Your Name After Divorce

Changing your name after a divorce is always an option.  But changing your name should not be an impulsive decision, nor should any important decision made right after your divorce. In most states you can request that the judge handling your divorce make a formal order restoring your former or birth name.  If your divorce decree contains […]

Web Data

Your everyday life, much of which takes place online, is a growing supply of personal information for whoever wants it.  Marketers, employers, thieves and stalkers, and even suitors are able to piece together mosaics of who we are. Even when the information  is accurate, it’s really none of their business! You can check out your […]

Revenge Surgery

Recently divorced women are bouncing back from divorce with plastic surgery—”revenge surgery.”  Needing to feel better about themselves from the devastation of a failed marriage and many times a bitter divorce battle,  they have plastic surgery which can erase years and build self-esteem. After a divorce you feel unattractive and unloved.  Plastic surgery gives you the confidence […]

A Woman’s Age

Two decades ago women believed they looked best at 34.  However, men back then put that number at 31.  On the other hand, men thought they looked best at 33, but women put the number at 35. A recent survey concluded that today women are the most beautiful at 30, according to members of both sexes, and […]

Attributes of Hair Color

When women and men were asked what attributes they ascribe to hair colors, the results were interesting. These are the top responses for each: Blonde—beautiful, sexy, confident, bitchy, classy Red—sexy, beautiful, exotic, aggressive, confident Brown—beautiful, intelligent, sexy, trustworthy, classy Black—beautiful, sexy, exotic, classy, intelligent White/Gray—intelligent, classy, trustworthy, confident

Lying or Self-Deception

People very often say things that aren’t true. It’s not exactly lying but more like self-deception.  A good example is, “I am a private person—I would never reveal such and such because I’m a private person.” Anyone who says that is probably not a private person. Truly private people do not have to declare it.  […]

Web Self-Defense

The Internet is the world’s bazaar, delivering virtually anything you want—you never need to leave home!  But the Web is full of crooks who are happy to take your money if you give them the chance. Be suspicious of  “free trials.”  When you give your credit card or debit card number to cover shipping and handling […]

Protect Yourself Against Fraud

Credit card companies say that simple defensive measures can protect you from fraud.  Some are:  shredding new credit card offers and old credit card statements. Not leaving your payment envelope stuck on the mailbox. Other things you should do: —Make sure your credit card company has your phone number so if a suspicious charge appears […]