Power and Greed

“Once a man has seized power, his love of money displays exactly the same characteristics as gangrene, for gangrene, once established in a body, never rests until it has invaded and corrupted the whole of it.”  —Anna Comnena

Financial Infidelity

According to an NEFE  (National Endowment for Financial Education) study, a record 1 in 3 American is cheating on his or her spouse. This infidelity is financial, but it can be just as devastating as any other betrayal. From secret credit-card spending on fine dining to luxury items (including clothes and jewelry), beauty treatments (a […]

Cheaters and Infidelity

Do men really cheat on their spouses more than women do—or do they just get caught more often?  Men have always been the ones who are tagged as the “cheaters”—but today the genders are almost equally unfaithful—23% for men and 19% for women according to a professor of family relations at a University in Ontario. The […]


Being a parent is the hardest job in the world, especially in today’s world. Try throwing a divorce into the mix and it is really gets complicated. When you are married, you usually agree on how to parent your children—but when you are divorced everything can be a battle. So many co-parenting problems come down […]

Breakup Coach

Some people just can’t get over a breakup by themselves, so they hire a “breakup coach.” They are therapists or psychologists who specialize in helping someone cope with a breakup. They are trained in grief counseling and can treat you in-person, on the phone or via Skype. Although it’s called heart-break coaching, a person can […]

Abusive Husband/Divorce

Divorce is a traumatic experience, but no one should stay in an abusive relationship! Of course that’s easy to say—and more difficult to leave an abusive husband. Usually in an abusive relationship/marriage the husband is very controlling, and it is difficult for a woman to make the break. Typically, these women know very little about […]

If Rape Happens to You

If you or someone you know is raped, these are the steps you should immediately take: 1. File a police report. You should immediately file a police report after the crime has been committed, even though there is no time limit to do so.  This will ensure that the facts are accurate and there is […]

Surviving After Divorce

You’ve survived the divorce and now you’re concerned about how to make your settlement last. You know the amount of your divorce settlement—but what you don’t know is whether it will be enough to cover your day-to-day living expenses, support your family and have enough money for the rest of your life! You have to […]