Cheaters and Infidelity

Do men really cheat on their spouses more than women do—or do they just get caught more often?  Men have always been the ones who are tagged as the “cheaters”—but today the genders are almost equally unfaithful—23% for men and 19% for women according to a professor of family relations at a University in Ontario. The […]

Online Dating Can Be Tricky

We’ve all heard of someone who met someone on the Internet and got married—but what about the nightmare stories of people “dating” online—we never hear about those!  Online dating can be very tricky.  You have to learn how to navigate through the spam, the unwanted solicitations and the people who pretend they are someone they […]

Rich Men

“I’d rather be a rich man’s darling than a poor man’s slave”  goes the old vaudeville ditty.  Rich men are a breed unto themselves.  They can be selfish, arrogant and domineering toward their woman (or women).  Too many of them feel the need to conquer and control, and once they have succeeded, they are often […]

Books on Divorce

Although there are a lot of books on divorce to be found in bookstores and on the Internet, most of them don’t quite tell you everything you need to know to help you to prepare for divorce. The one book out there that is the most complete and informative of all the books on divorce […]

Sometimes Life Throws You a Curve Ball

Something happens that you never expected—sometimes life throws you a curve ball. You think that you are happily married and your sex life is great, and then you find out your spouse is having an affair—or he (or she) asks you for a divorce because he’s in love with someone else.  You feel like you’ve been […]

Domestic Violence

Too often society blames victims of domestic violence for not leaving, rather than holding the abusers responsible.  The reality is that financial dependency, concern for the children, and the fear of being pursued or even killed, can make the idea of escape seem impossible. No one deserves to be abused. Everyone should have someone to […]

Same-Sex Divorce

If you thought that the fight for same-sex marriage was difficult, now that same-sex marriage has been legalized in New York and several other states, until it is recognized by the federal government, there are going to be many complications—the most important one being divorce. New York State’s law, for example, allows same-sex marriage not […]

Social Media

Everyone should have learned a lesson from the Anthony Weiner debacle.  There’s no need to go into the details of the downfall of Congressman Weiner.  Google his name if you don’t know the sordid details! The Internet has completely changed any notion of privacy.  Once you publish words, photographs or videos online, they are “written in […]