Senior Divorce Has Special Considerations

Divorce at any age can be financially and emotionally devastating. Divorce as a senior has special considerations because for most people they are at the end or near the end of their work life. Child support and custody are most likely not issues because the children are grown, retirement, pension, and alimony however become more […]

The Basics Of Divorce In Georgia

Georgia is a mixed divorce state. This means that the state has retained fault grounds for divorce but has also enacted a no-fault ground for divorce. The grounds for divorce in Georgia are: intermarriage by persons within prohibited degrees of relationship; mental incapacity at the time of the marriage; impotency at the time of the […]

Divorce Law

Although the right to a divorce is not a matter of constitutional or legal right, various states permit it in order to benefit the public interest. In order to insure that a divorce is what both parties desire, it is not uncommon in several states for there to be a mandatory waiting period between the […]

Seeking Divorce Attorney—Checklist for Selecting a Divorce Attorney

Seeking a Divorce Attorney to Represent Your Case? Use this Checklist! Anyone who is faced with the challenge of going through a divorce is at a stressful time in their life and needs the best assistance that they can get. One of the most essential parts to a successful divorce case is locating and hiring […]

The Truth About Filing For A Quick Divorce

It is unfortunate that most divorces are tedious, stressful and drawn out affairs. Because of the length of time the divorce process takes, the participants are often stressed and frustrated throughout the long divorce process. It can also be extremely costly due to constant legal consultation. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a faster, […]


Sometimes a couple decides that a long separation is financially prudent and easier emotionally.  For some, it becomes a way of life.  Some couples live apart in separate homes and some continue to live together—in order to avoid an ugly divorce and maintain the status quo.  The financial collapse has encouraged people not to rush into divorce. Warren Buffet, […]

Financial Gender Gap in Divorce

On September 27, 2009, in Blog, Divorce Advice, Divorce/Financial, Prepare for Divorce, by leslye

Financially there is a gender gap in divorce.  According to the U. S. Census Bureau, the average woman’s family income drops by 37% after divorce, while a man’s financial picture appears to improve by 10% after divorce.  One of the reasons may be due to the difficulty experienced in collecting child support when a woman […]

Equal Parenting—Parents Share Equally

There are two different concepts of equal parenting. In a marriage, equal parenting is when both parents work together to insure that the children spend as much time with one parent as they do the other. Parents share equally in discipline, schooling, getting children to and from the places they need to be—and in the […]