Getting Married

Because people are getting married later in life, it’s more common than ever that you’ll be starting out the marriage with significant assets that need to be protected. No one should get married without a Prenup! It might seem unromantic, but setting legal intentions before marriage can be very important later if the marriage fails. […]

The Benefits Of Owning A Dog

People who own dogs live longer! They’re healthier. They’re calmer. Their children are less prone to allergies. Dogs aren’t big on social distancing. They lick and sniff everything and one another. Conversation, friendships and even romance between owners can often be the result. A dog’s love is unconditional. Once you have a dog, you can’t […]

Reasons to Meditate

People all over the world, for thousands of years, have been meditating. It is not necessary to pay anyone to learn to meditate. Even though they tell you their meditation is different, it’s not. Meditation is meditation. It’s just a way for them to charge for their “course.” There is really nothing difficult to learn […]

Money and Your Relationship

Money is consistently the most common reason for conflict in a relationship. Couples with financial problems and debt have higher levels of stress and are less happy in their relationship than those who don’t. You must be honest about your spending. It’s surprising how common it is for two people in a relationship to lie […]

Your Social Security Benefits

We all have been paying into Social Security for years and can’t wait to start collecting…but WAIT…don’t be in a rush! According to AARP and the Financial Planning Association, most  retirees don’t know that waiting to collect Social Security will get them a bigger benefit—and most don’t know how much bigger! Individuals who collect their […]

Prenuptial Agreement

No one should get married without a Prenuptial Agreement in place! It doesn’t matter how much or how little you have, you always have to protect yourself! You are making the biggest decision of your life to marry someone. And second and sometimes third marriages—and the extended families that sometimes come with them—require financial and […]

Facebook and your Marriage

Instead of communicating face to face, couples are sharing their feelings and marriage on Facebook. This could doom a relationship. Too much emphasis on social media can indicate that a couple is less concerned with how they feel and more concerned how their relationship looks to outsiders. There is a growing trend, and not a […]

Divorce and Social Security

Married couples have an advantage when it comes to Social Security. It’s called the “spousal benefit.” It allows the lower-earning spouse to collect up to 50% of the higher-earning spouse’s benefit at full retirement age. Even if you are divorced, you still have the ability to collect Social Security spousal benefits based on your former […]