Online Dating

The first thing to do is find the right site. You should only frequent dating sites that feel right for you.  If you’re pretty mainstream, try Match; if you’re hipsterish, try Nerve; if you’re more conservative, try eHarmony; if you’re vegetarian, try Veggiedate, etc. The more people you meet, the more likely you are to […]

Surviving After Divorce

You’ve survived the divorce and now you’re concerned about how to make your settlement last. You know the amount of your divorce settlement—but what you don’t know is whether it will be enough to cover your day-to-day living expenses, support your family and have enough money for the rest of your life! You have to […]

Tricky Relationship

Starting a relationship with someone going through the divorce process can be very difficult.  Usually a man who is separated or getting a divorce is looking for some sort of fulfillment from a new relationship—but that rarely lasts once the divorce is finalized. A lot of things play into the equation. Did she initiate the divorce […]

Life After Divorce

You have just gotten divorced and half or more of your assets are gone…  Living alone after your divorce may be difficult—especially if you had a long marriage—financially and emotionally.  Most women can expect to spend at least a third of their adult lives on their own. Because of this, they must get savvy about saving […]

Instant Dating

Did you know that with an App, your next date could be just around the corner?  Using your cellphone you can make an instant date based on who is in the area and available for a quick drink. These services (mostly free) allow you to skip the usual online dating stuff and move right into dating. On the […]

Single in Manhattan

Young women come to Manhattan looking for a Carrie Bradshaw “Sex and the City” experience and to find a husband.  Unfortunately, being single in New York City is “the kiss of death.”  According to a recent study, 78 percent of 20 year-olds are females. There are so few eligible guys around—it’s like a candy store for men.  To make […]

Online Dating Can Be Tricky

We’ve all heard of someone who met someone on the Internet and got married—but what about the nightmare stories of people “dating” online—we never hear about those!  Online dating can be very tricky.  You have to learn how to navigate through the spam, the unwanted solicitations and the people who pretend they are someone they […]

A Kiss

While the quest for a female Viagra continues, the secret switch that turns on desire is a kiss!  Kissing and cocaine both spark the same feel-good brain chemical, dopamine.  Male saliva contains testosterone, and a lingering kiss is a reliable delivery system. Smooching floods the bloodstream with dopamine, which stimulates the same part of the brain […]