Your Social Image

If you are a savvy person,  you know to be careful what you post to Facebook and Twitter. You never want to post something that will come back to haunt you—even years later.  If you want to get an idea of the online identity that you’ve created to these and other social networks, you should […]

Digital Estate Planning

It’s hard enough to write a Will, deciding who should get what when you die, but you need to provide for your virtual possessions also. Digital assets  have value—sometimes sentimental, sometimes commercial—just like a piece of jewelry. There can be legal issues for your relatives when you die unless you do your digital estate planning […]

Smartphone Addiction

“We have become slaves to our smartphones, distracted by every little ping while we fail to live in the now. It’s changing our brains, ruining our lives and turning us into an iZombie.”  —Kyle Smith If you can’t get any work done because you can’t stop checking your Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr,  texts, emails—or you can’t […]

iPhone Dating App

Tinder is a dating app for the iPhone that has become very popular since its launch.  It is an unusual dating app because it  appeals to everyone—men and women, homosexuals and heterosexuals. It was introduced first on college campuses in California in September 2012 and expanded to other college campuses from there. It taps into […]

The Effects of Rape

We’ve all read about the young woman who was gang-raped in India (not the first), who ultimately died—or the case against a man inside the Orthodox Jewish community who raped young women from the age of 14 to 21.  Unfortunately, rape happens everywhere, all the time. Women are raped every day and not just by […]

New Year’s Resolutions

Many of us start off the new year by making New Year’s resolutions.  It’s a great tradition that has gone on forever. Unfortunately, most of the “resolutions” we make we will never keep. The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to think about how we’d like to improve our lives. Don’t set your […]

Infidelity—Can you forgive?

Can you ever forgive infidelity? And, can you ever recover from infidelity? It is very difficult to forgive (and forget) someone when they have been unfaithful.  The first thing you have to think about and ask yourself  is—do you really want to—or is this the perfect excuse to end or get out of a bad […]

Web & Sex

On April 25, 2012, in Blog, Divorce Advice, Prepare for Divorce, Sex, by Leslye

Forty percent of women say that social-networking media, like Facebook and text-messaging, are causing them to have sex sooner with someone than they would have in the past, according to a poll by Men’s Fitness and Shape magazines. It gives the false impression that you’ve actually been together longer, so it’s okay to have sex […]