Cheap-guy App

What happened to chivalry? A new app founded by Paypal and popular with millennials, isn’t just letting someone split cab fares or bills, it’s allowing your date to bill you for half of the check when he takes you to dinner! You may think you had a lovely evening, until you get a bill […]

Facebook and Your Info

The point of Facebook is to share your life with other people. You probably know people who fall into the over-sharing category. It’s fun to share, but giving out too much information can be dangerous. You should never add your home or cellphone number to your Facebook page. There are so many people who would […]

Divorce And Your Home

When a couple is getting a divorce they need to decide what to do with their home. This can be a major decision, especially when they share the mortgage. When there is equity in the home, each spouse wants to take a share as part of the divorce settlement agreement. But if one person wants […]

Divorce and Heart Risks

Divorce may be linked to a higher heart risk for heart attack, especially for women. A study published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes on a nationally representative sample of adults ages 45 to 80, all of whom were married or had previously been married, showed that women face a higher risk of a heart […]

Who Gets The Dog?

When couples are breaking up sometimes their dog becomes the focus of a battle. This usually happens  when the couple breaking up don’t have any children or any children under the age of 18. Dogs do become a member of your family and are taken care of and loved like children. Losing the dog that […]

New Divorce Tactic

Women whose husband’s have hidden money from them during their divorce are trying a new tactic. They are trying to use the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act—RICO—which famously took down the Teflon Don—to nail their wealthy husbands during (and after) divorce battles. Many wealthy men hide their money in various ways during a […]

January Is The Divorce Month

April is not the worst month of the year (because of taxes), but January is. It is the month when many marriages end. The start of the new year brings with it about a one-third increase in divorce filings. The reason is that families decide to stay together over the holidays. According to, January […]

Declining Divorce Rate

Even though you continue to read about the rising divorce rate, the divorce surge is over—it is no longer true that the divorce rate is rising, or that half of all marriages end in divorce. Actually, this has been true for some time. Marriages in the United States are stronger than they have ever been. […]