Financial Infidelity

According to an NEFE  (National Endowment for Financial Education) study, a record 1 in 3 American is cheating on his or her spouse. This infidelity is financial, but it can be just as devastating as any other betrayal. From secret credit-card spending on fine dining to luxury items (including clothes and jewelry), beauty treatments (a […]

Cheaters and Infidelity

Do men really cheat on their spouses more than women do—or do they just get caught more often?  Men have always been the ones who are tagged as the “cheaters”—but today the genders are almost equally unfaithful—23% for men and 19% for women according to a professor of family relations at a University in Ontario. The […]

The Effects of Rape

We’ve all read about the young woman who was gang-raped in India (not the first), who ultimately died—or the case against a man inside the Orthodox Jewish community who raped young women from the age of 14 to 21.  Unfortunately, rape happens everywhere, all the time. Women are raped every day and not just by […]

Internet Privacy

There is no such thing as Internet privacy!  And there is no escaping the fact that the Internet knows more about you than you’d like. Your life is an open book. When someone Googles your name they can find out much more about you than you’d want. But Google doesn’t tap into the extensive world […]

Infidelity—Can you forgive?

Can you ever forgive infidelity? And, can you ever recover from infidelity? It is very difficult to forgive (and forget) someone when they have been unfaithful.  The first thing you have to think about and ask yourself  is—do you really want to—or is this the perfect excuse to end or get out of a bad […]

Cheaters and Infidelity

Do men really cheat on their spouses more than women do—or do they just get caught more often?  Men have always been the ones who are tagged as the “cheaters”—but today the genders are almost equally unfaithful—23% for men and 19% for women according to a professor of family relations at a University in Ontario. The […]

Divorce Or Not To Divorce

To divorce or not to divorce, that is the question!  Many women ask themselves this question when they find out their husband has been cheating on them.  Being the good wife and standing by a cheating husband is not what women want to do anymore.  This despicable behavior is all too common and accepted in […]

Social Media

Everyone should have learned a lesson from the Anthony Weiner debacle.  There’s no need to go into the details of the downfall of Congressman Weiner.  Google his name if you don’t know the sordid details! The Internet has completely changed any notion of privacy.  Once you publish words, photographs or videos online, they are “written in […]