Things You Shouldn’t Give A Shit About!

Don’t get caught up worrying about things that don’t really matter. Life can be too short. If you’re happy in your job, but think you should have a job that gives you more income, you have to realize that money is not the most important thing in life. Waking up every day and looking forward […]

Sex Makes You Smarter

Two recent studies say that falling in love and having sex may make you smarter. The newly in love had heightened levels of nerve growth, crucial to mental alertness, says the first study by the University of Pavia in Italy. A Princeton University study found more sexually rats experienced better nerve-cell growth and lower levels […]

If Rape Happens to You

If you or someone you know is raped, these are the steps you should immediately take: 1. File a police report. You should immediately file a police report after the crime has been committed, even though there is no time limit to do so.  This will ensure that the facts are accurate and there is […]

Surviving After Divorce

You’ve survived the divorce and now you’re concerned about how to make your settlement last. You know the amount of your divorce settlement—but what you don’t know is whether it will be enough to cover your day-to-day living expenses, support your family and have enough money for the rest of your life! You have to […]

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

On January 14, 2013, in Blog, Divorce Advice, Divorce Information, Prepare for Divorce, Sex, by Leslye

Before you even think of having sex with a new person, make sure they have been examined by a doctor and do not have any sexually transmitted diseases! A few moments of “pleasure” could cost you misery the rest of your life! There is a new type of untreatable gonorrhea. The World Health Organization (WHO) […]

The Effects of Rape

We’ve all read about the young woman who was gang-raped in India (not the first), who ultimately died—or the case against a man inside the Orthodox Jewish community who raped young women from the age of 14 to 21.  Unfortunately, rape happens everywhere, all the time. Women are raped every day and not just by […]

Benefits of Exercise

Exercise  is the “fountain of youth.” Aerobic exercise  builds endurance and strengthens the heart. Exercise creates new brain cells and can help ward off cancer and diabetes. Strength training builds muscles—and you are never too old to build muscles!  It can also keep you from accumulating the wrong kind of body fat. 1.   Exercise can […]

Infidelity—Can you forgive?

Can you ever forgive infidelity? And, can you ever recover from infidelity? It is very difficult to forgive (and forget) someone when they have been unfaithful.  The first thing you have to think about and ask yourself  is—do you really want to—or is this the perfect excuse to end or get out of a bad […]